Guru Nanak’s Message of Peace through Music

Double Bill


Immerse yourself in inspired spiritual music as we mark Guru Nanak’s 555th birth celebration, paying homage through kirtan, qawaali and bhajans performed together for the first time under one roof.


Guru Nanak (1469-1539) founded the Sikh dharam and provided a pathway to liberation by breaking down prejudices such as those based on caste, gender and religious practices. Guru Nanak was accompanied by Bhai Mardana, a prolific master musician and together they sang kirtan through their many interfaith travels. Three respected kirtanias Anantvir Singh, Gurinder Singh Batala and Amrita Kaur come together with vocal powerhouses Aruna Sairam and Zeeshan Ali. 

We are honoured to present a keynote address by Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia OBE KSG, a global leader and humanitarian. As a recipient of the OBE and KSG, Bhai Sahib’s work in promoting harmony transcends cultural and religious boundaries. His speech will inspire leaders, change-makers, and individuals dedicated to creating a more just and peaceful world.

This performance will finish at approximately 10pm, including a 20-minute interval

In keeping with the spiritual nature of this performance and the cultural practices rooted in Sikh tradition, we kindly request that all attendees cover their heads with a shawl or similar covering upon entering the Barbican Hall. We would greatly appreciate your participation in honouring this custom. Head coverings will be available at all entrances if needed. Additionally, to maintain the sanctity of the space, we ask that no beverages, except still water, be brought into the Hall. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


First Half

Aruna Sairam (abang/bhajan)

Zeeshan Ali (sufi singer)


Second Half

Key note speech by Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia OBE KSG

Amrita Kaur (gurbani kirtan)

Anantvir Singh (gurbani kirtan)

Joined by  Aruna Sairam (abang/bhajan) and Zeeshan Ali (sufi singer)


Accompanying Musicians:

Momin Khan (sarangi)

Gurdain Rayatt (tabla)

Surdarshan Chana (jori/tabla)

Patri Satish Kumar (mridangam)

Giridhar Udupa (ghatam)

Booking info

06 April 2025 | 17:00 (Doors open 16:30)

Barbican Centre, Barbican Hall

£20 - £100

Countdown to Guru Nanak's Music:

Amrita Kaur, Anantvir Singh, Aruna Sairam, Ghatam Giridhar Udupa, Gurdain Rayatt, Momin Khan, Patri Satish Kumar, Surdarshan Chana, Zeeshan Ali on Darbar Concert Hall

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